Clear working conditions

With an eye to regulating the gig economy, the European Union is introducing a right for workers to clear information on their working conditions.


By 1 August, the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive needs to be implemented by each member state of the EU. This Directive reflects the EU’s desire to adapt to the rapid rise of flexible, technologically-enabled ways of working, and the emergence of the platform, or ‘gig’, economy. Under it workers will be entitled to a statement setting out the key points about their working conditions, including pay, place of work, leave, notice and working patterns.  It also provides some protection for workers with unpredictable working patterns and bans the use of on demand (‘zero hours’) contracts. For fuller analysis of what will change, see here.

Information in employment contracts: what’s changing in the EU?
In Germany, the draft law to implement the EU Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive will require employers to provide employees with more information on their working conditions. Will German employment contracts need to be amended soon, and what is the position in other countries?
European Union
Implementing the ‘transparent and predictable working conditions’ directive across Europe
EU Member States had until 1 August 2022 to implement the EU Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive. Our quick-view map shows the status of implementation of the Directive across EU jurisdictions, plus some others that are not in the EU, but geographically close by.
Probationary Periods
In most countries around the world it is possible for employers to offer a probationary period at the beginning of a contract of employment. The idea is to allow both the employer and employee to get to know each other before embarking on a longer-term commitment.

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The resources on this page have been produced with the help of our lawyers around the world. Alexander Ulrich is the Chair of our Individual Employment Rights Expert Group and Sam Everatt is the Executive Director of Ius Laboris. Contact us to find out more.
Dr Alexander Ulrich
Sam Everatt
Executive Director