The AI work revolution


The future of the workforce depends on many factors, including those derived from demographic shifts and generational expectations. Among all the factors, however, technological advancements hold a particular place, as they have the power to change, not only the way we work, but also the way we live.

While technology has evolved at a remarkable pace over the past few decades, continually introducing new innovations, some developments have taken many by surprise. The rapid advancements, especially in areas such as automation and digitalisation, have sparked significant discussion across industries and among policymakers.

At Ius Laboris, we are in a prime position to offer a global perspective on these crucial developments, drawing on our extensive expertise in HR and employment law. We are committed to exploring this vital issue through the creation of relevant materials and engaging in high-level dialogues with policymakers, as we look ahead to the future of work.

AI is here to stay
The future of the workforce depends on many factors, including those derived from demographic shifts and generational expectations. Among all the factors, however, technological advancements hold a particular place, as they have the power to change, not only the way we work, but also the way we live. While technology has progressed at an exceptional pace over the last several decades, continually introducing new innovations, the arrival of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2022 caught many – including policymakers – by surprise.
Beyond AI: technologies shaping the future of work
It’s not just AI that’s going to impact our future. Other technologies are also advancing at an exceptional pace and are promising groundbreaking developments.
Cyber Security obligations under the EU AI Act 
With the EU’s AI Act coming into force imminently, those designing, developing, and/or deploying AI will need to start getting to grips with myriad new obligations, including new cyber security requirements.
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act 
The European Parliament recently approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, a huge step forward in creating a legal framework for AI technology throughout the European Union.
Global HR Law Guide update: Employee data privacy
Our Global HR Law Guide takes you through the legal aspects of the entire employment journey, with 16 chapters covering recruitment through pensions in over 50 countries. It is a valuable tool for HR and in-house counsel.
United Kingdom
The ups and downs of remote working – Podcast

Is employment law ready for AI?

This report concerns the use of artificial intelligence through the life cycle of employment: from recruitment, through management of work processes, to dismissal decisions.


Forces for Change 2024

This publication includes a comprehensive analysis of how emerging trends are reshaping the workplace. From the ethical drive of Generation Z to the challenges of an ageing workforce, our report covers the spectrum of changes influencing today’s and tomorrow’s work environments.

Coffee Break – Will generative AI leave us short of work?

In this episode of our ‘Coffee Break‘ series, Inês Reis of Ius Laboris Portugal sits down with James Davies of Ius Laboris UK to talk about the impact of generative AI on knowledge jobs. How can organisations and policymakers prepare for a future with fewer jobs? And could better skills, AI literacy and more leisure be part of the solution?


Contact us

Román Gil is a partner in our Spanish law firm and is part of our International Policy Group. Sam Everatt is the Executive Director of Ius Laboris. Contact us to find out more about this project and about what we can do for you.
Román Gil
Sam Everatt
Executive Director