When private equity meets HR


Private Equity (PE) funds are amongst the most important investors in takeovers and carve-outs, particularly given the relative weakness of the European banking sector and the challenges of financing of large- and midsize companies in a world of rising interest rates.

Traditionally, some unions and labour activists have had concerns about the operations of private equity investors (even deriding them as ‘locusts’), but some recent very significant company rescues would have been inconceivable without PE financing and both PE and HR have started to develop ways of working together in the interests of increasing the human capital buried deeply within the assets.

Ius Laboris Global HR Lawyers, the world’s largest network of employment lawyers, has recently developed two key training programmes: one to help PE funds meet HR challenges both before and after a transaction and when preparing their exit; and the other to help HR managers deal with a situation in which there is a PE shareholder.

For private equity investors: our tailored HR services
At Ius Laboris, we have over 20 years of experience of assisting private equity clients in managing the HR aspects of transactions. In this video, Arnaud Teissier (France), James Davies (UK) and Burkard Göpfert (Germany) explain how the Ius Laboris Alliance can support private equity investors before, during and after an acquisition. We also invite you to contact us at [email protected] for an in-depth presentation to your team.
For HR managers: handling the HR aspects of a private equity investment in your company
What should be the focus for HR management when a private equity investor acquires the company? In this video, we look at what kinds of issues HR managers can face and what the priorities should be, including making the process as smooth as possible for employees. Our lawyers Arnaud Teissier (France), James Davies (UK) and Burkard Göpfert (Germany) describe the steps HR can take.

Costing collective redundancies: a global overview

In a turbulent world, where some companies are inevitably considering reducing their workforces, it is important to have an overview of the potential costs of making redundancies via a social plan. We have surveyed 25 countries to provide you with the cost details you need to help you plan and budget for this eventuality.


Restructuring for international employers

At a time when businesses are facing serious disruption in terms of energy, supplies and inflation, many companies are reflecting on how best to project their businesses and promote recovery. Some will manage to weather to storm, but others will need to take radical measures for the long term. Our guide sets out the answers to some key questions about restructuring in a range of countries.

Related insights

Protecting employment in Sweden: what is changing?
In a far-reaching reform, the Employment Protection Act, a cornerstone of Swedish Employment Law that governs termination of employment and other protection for employees, is changing. What do employers need to know and do, and what happens next?
Top 11 employment provisions in M&A agreements
In mergers and acquisitions, both the seller and the buyer may need to include employment-related provisions in the M&A documentation. We have gathered together the most frequent and significant employment provisions for these types of transactions.
United Kingdom
M&A due diligence: what are the current HR and ESG trends?
2022 is shaping up to be another supercharged year for M&A deals and the people aspects of due diligence are evolving in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, alongside the trend towards greater sustainability and focus on ESG issues.

For more information about collective dismissals


Contact Us

The resources on this page have been produced with the help of our lawyers in a large number of countries around the world. Burkard Göpfert is a partner in our German law firm and is Head of our Restructuring & Labour Relations Expert Group. Emanuela Nespoli is a partner in our Italian law firm and is Head of our Compensation & Benefits Expert Group. Sam Everatt is the Executive Director of Ius Laboris. Contact us to find out more.
Burkard Göpfert
Emanuela Nespoli
Sam Everatt
Executive Director