Brexit is now a done deal, but the changes to the relationship between the EU and the UK are still being gradually embedded by those whom they affect. Some key changes relate to immigration and mobility law and it is to these that we have turned our attention in our new Brexit Guide, covering 24 EU member states, plus the UK.
In the Guide, we take a detailed look at issues such as whether British workers who have been based in the EU since before 1 January can obtain the necessary permission to stay on and vice versa – whether EU workers in the UK can stay on. We also look at whether it is possible for UK workers to go and live in the EU from now on and the equivalent for EU workers wanting to go and work in the UK. We then take a look at business travel. Business people have criss-crossed the Channel a great deal over the last few years – and the ability to do this is really key to the functioning of a lot of businesses, so we think about how business travel can be accommodated now that the EU and UK are estranged.
Very broadly, in terms of work and residence, there are arrangements in place on both sides of the Channel, but people will normally have to apply for either: ‘permission to stay’ or ‘to come and live and work’. In terms of business travel, there is a certain leeway to accommodate this and there is no need for pre-applications for visas, at least for the moment on either side of the Channel, but a business trip does not extend to ‘work’. If people want to work in the sense defined in the rules, they must apply for a work permit from now on. However, this is the broadest outline of some very detailed rules and we recommend employers take the time to look in detail at the information contained in the Guide.