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Data privacy webinar: Monitoring of employees in the digital age


In this panel discussion, experts from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Singapore talk about employee monitoring in the workplace from a data & privacy perspective. What are the boundaries of such monitoring and what are the possible risks?

Alex Milner-Smith
Alexander Milner-Smith
Partner - United Kingdom
Lewis Silkin
Jessica Jacobi
Partner - Germany
Kliemt.HR Lawyers
Lionel Tan
Lionel Tan
Partner - Singapore
Rajah & Tann Singapore
Nick O'Connell
Nick O’Connell
Partner - Saudi Arabia
Al Tamimi & Co (Saudi Arabia)
Ireland - Linda Hynes
Linda Hynes
Partner - Ireland
Lewis Silkin Ireland LLP
David Swain
David Swain
Partner - Hong Kong
Lewis Silkin (Hong Kong)