Speed dating seminar: employee access to personal data in the EU

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With the effects of the EU GDPR reverberating across the EU, subject access requests (SARs) are gaining prominence, as individuals become increasingly aware of their right to access personal data held by their employers.

In what promises to be a lively discussion, we examine the growth (or not) of SARs in different parts of Europe and how employers should respond to them.

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Alexander Milner-Smith
Partner - United Kingdom
Lewis Silkin
Jessica Jacobi
Partner - Germany
Kliemt.HR Lawyers
Ireland - Linda Hynes
Linda Hynes
Partner - Ireland
Lewis Silkin Ireland LLP
Marco Sideri
Partner - Italy
Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo
Ilse Baijens
Associate - Netherlands
Bronsgeest Deur Advocaten
Søren Terp Kristophersen
Søren Terp Kristophersen
Associate - Denmark
Norrbom Vinding
Sean Illing
Sean Illing
Senior Associate - United Kingdom
Lewis Silkin
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