A new Act on Residence-Based Social Security (16/2019) will apply to individuals who immigrate to Finland or emigrate from Finland. It establishes conditions for a person working or studying in Finland to receive residence-based social security benefits. The new Act also sets out the assessment criteria for establishing whether a Finnish person residing abroad is still entitled to receive such benefits from Finland.
Previously, foreign workers had to wait for four months before they could receive residence-based social security benefits. Following the reform workers immigrating to Finland will now have the right to receive these benefits if they earn at least EUR 696.60 (2019) per month when working in Finland.
A person who has worked in Finland for six months may also retain the right to residence-based social security benefits for up to three months after they stop working in Finland.
A person emigrating from Finland may be entitled to residence-based benefits if he or she resides abroad for a maximum of six months. Previously the limit was one year.
All amendments enter into force from 1 April 2019.