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Germany – Skilled Immigration Act comes into force on 1 March 2020

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Kliemt.HR Lawyers, the first port of call in employment law for top-class and future-proof advice.
The Skilled Immigration Act, which will come into force in March 2020, will facilitate international hiring and immigration for highly skilled workers.

In order to attract skilled immigration from non-EU countries, Germany has passed the Skilled Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz), which will come into force on 1 March 2020.

Third country nationals:

  • who have a recognised university degree or recognised vocational training; and
  • who have a concrete job offer in Germany on a domestic employment contract;
  • for a skilled job which their qualification enables them to do; and
  • which does not offer less favourable working conditions than for comparable domestic employees;
  • and who have a professional licence, if the job requires it;


will usually be able to receive a residence/work permit for the purposes of conducting skilled employment.

These regulations, along with an accelerated administrative procedure for skilled immigration, will simplify international hiring planning for employers and should be conducive to furthering skilled immigration to Germany.

Julia Uznanski
Julia Uznanski
Associate - Germany
Kliemt.HR Lawyers