Social Security consists of two regimes: Mandatory and Voluntary. The Mandatory Regime is compulsory and applies to those in formal employment (as well as various public sectors) and their families. This regime, outlined in the Social Security Law, encompasses five types of insurance, namely:
Labour risk insurance is fully covered by employers. It provides financial and in-kind benefits for incapacity or death of a worker due to labour risks, which are divided into two categories:
When employers first obtain their Employer Registration with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), they must determine the premium that they will pay for labour risk insurance. To do so, they must identify their principal business activity in the catalog provided by the social security regulations and determine the applicable class of premium to be paid for their insurance contributions.
As a general rule, once the premium for a full calendar year has been quoted, employers must annually submit their accident rate statement no later than the last day of February of the following year to determine the premium for their insurance contributions for the next year.
Labor risk insurance is a vital component of Mexico’s social security system and a crucial safeguard for workers and their families. By providing comprehensive coverage for work-related accidents and occupational diseases, this insurance ensures financial and in-kind benefits in times of need and promotes a culture of safety and well-being in the workplace.
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