Since March 2020, travel restrictions apply to foreign nationals entering Brazil. At present, Ordinance No. 255, valid until 21 June 2020, provides for several exceptions in addition to that for born and naturalised Brazilians.
Irrespective of the point of departure, the following foreign nationals are exempt:
- professionals in a mission at the service of an international organisation, as long as duly identified;
- passengers in international transit, as long as they do not leave the international area of the airport and the country of destination admits their entry;
- foreign employees accredited to the Brazilian Government;
- foreign nationals whose entry is specifically authorised by the Brazilian Government in the public interest or for humanitarian reasons.
With the exception of Venezuelans, the following foreign nationals are also exempt from restrictions:
- immigrants with a definitive authorisation to reside in Brazil for a fixed or an indefinite term; and
- who are the spouse, partner, child, parent or guardian of a Brazilian citizen; and
- who hold a National Migration Registry Card
Restrictions on entry do not prevent:
- river and air cargo transport;
- free movement of road cargo transport, even if the driver does not meet all the requirements previously mentioned;
- continuity of transportation and unloading of cargo, without crew members disembarking, except for medical assistance or flight connections;
- individuals returning to their country of origin related to operational issues or termination of employment contract;
- entry to and stay in Brazil for airline crew and employees for operational purposes, even if foreign nationals;
- technical landings to refuel, when there is no need to disembark passengers with restricted entry into Brazil;
- movement of border residents in twin cities with an exclusively terrestrial border line on presentation of a border resident document or other supporting document, provided that the neighbouring country guarantees reciprocal treatment of Brazilians (does not apply to travellers from Venezuela);
- travel for cross-border humanitarian actions previously authorised by the local health authorities;
- entry and stay of foreign maritime crew members with an international seaman’s card issued under the terms of the ILO Convention, whose entry is requested by the maritime agent to the Federal Police, to exercise specific functions on board a vessel or platform operating in Brazilian jurisdictional waters.
Disembarkation from water transport may be exceptionally authorised if medical assistance is required or a foreign national needs to take a connecting flight to their country of origin.