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Brazil moves to protect women in the workplace

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Veirano Advogados, one of the leading and most renowned Brazilian business and employment law firms.
A new law recently enacted in Brazil requires employers to take certain actions to protect women from violence in the workplace, including annual training sessions to prevent sexual harassment.

A new ordinance issued by the Ministry of Labour, which will enter into force in March 2023, amends Brazil’s regulation on employers’ internal occupational health committee, the ‘CIPA’. 

The ordinance was issued in compliance with a law that requires the CIPA to implement a series of measures to fight harassment and violence against women in the workplace. The law creates the program ‘Employ + Women’ and sets out compliance actions that must be incorporated into each employer’s internal set of rules and standards: 

  • Report channel (hotline) and investigation process. The employer must implement procedures for receiving complaints that ensure the anonymity of the whistleblower, investigation of the facts, and application of sanctions when necessary. 
  • Periodic training at all hierarchical levels. Training, guidance and awareness-raising must be carried out at least annually for all employees on topics related to violence, harassment, equality and diversity at work. The training must be in accessible, appropriate formats that present maximum effectiveness. 
  • Express rules of conduct. Rules of conduct must be incorporated into the employer’s internal rules regarding sexual harassment and other forms of violence, and these rules must be widely disseminated to employees. 
  • CIPA activities. The new ordinance requires employers that have a CIPA committee (as determined by the number of employees and business activity) to provide training at least every 12 months on preventing harassment in the workplace. 

For more information about discrimination

José Carlos Wahle
Partner - Brazil
Veirano Advogados