European Labour Mobility Congress

Krakow, Poland
07:30 AM
Krakow, Poland

Participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures on key issues related to the single market, such as the expansion of the European Union to new member states, free trade agreements, and the challenges related to the posting of workers within the context of the freedom to provide services.

First day will therefore offer a deep dive into the distinction between social protection and protectionism and will explore how the principle of “equal pay for equal work” perpetuates wage inequality within the European Union. Experts will also discuss whether the difficulties in enforcing existing regulations justify their revision and how to strike a balance between the freedom to provide services and worker protection.

Second day will focus on practical solutions to challenges related to labour mobility and the functioning of the single market. Participants will be able to join workshops where experts will share valuable insights and strategies on managing the posting of workers and ensuring compliance with regulations.

For information and registration to the event please click here

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Sophie Maes
Partner - Belgium
Claeys & Engels
Michał Kacprzyk
Partner - Poland
Joanna Stolarek
Senior Lawyer - Poland
Organised by
Raczkowski largest boutique firm focusing on HR law.
ICE Krakow Congress Centre
Marii Konopnickiej 17, 30-302 Kraków
Krakow, Poland
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