Nordic HR Seminar 2023

Stockholm, Sweden
08:00 AM
Stockholm, Sweden
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The Ius Laboris Nordic law firms warmly welcome you to our annual Nordic HR Seminar live in Stockholm where the lawyers from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden will give you the latest updates on legislation and hot topics for 2023 as well as guiding you through any potential challenges in 2023 with restructuring and redundancies your business may face. You will get an overview of how to strategically prepare and implement organisational changes, inform and consult requirements as well as conduct redundancies in each of the Nordic countries.


Click here and fill in the form, an Emzell representative will contact you to finalise your registration.


  • 2000 SEK/200 € which includes the full day seminar as well as breakfast, Swedish “fika” during the day and lunch.
  • The fee will be invoiced by Elmzell in advance of the seminar.




09.00-09.20 Welcome and introduction, presentation of today’s speakers and Ius Laboris
09.20-10.00 Post-pandemic reflections – what is the “new normal” and what are the trends?
10.00-10.15 Break
10.15-11.00 Restructuring and redundancy – Finland
11.00-11.45 Restructuring and redundancy – Norway
11.45-12.45 Lunch
12.45-13.30 Restructuring and redundancy – Denmark
13.30-14.15 Restructuring and redundancy – Sweden
14.15-14.45 Break
14.45-15.45 Hot topics in the Nordics
15.45-16.00 Questions and closing remarks
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Jenny Hellberg
Partner - Sweden
Elmzell Advokatbyrå
Claude A. Lenth
Partner - Norway
Advokatfirmaet Hjort AS
Rikke Falk Dambo
Norrbom Vinding
Suvi Knaapila
Partner - Finland
Dittmar & Indrenius
Organised by
Elmzell Advokatbyrå, one of the leading labour and employment law practices in Sweden, guaranteeing comprehensive and high quality assistance for all of our clients.
At IVAR on Västra Trädgårdsgatan 15 Stockholm, Sweden
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Meet the referent expert close to you.

To ensure we keep abreast of all developments in the field of discrimination, our lawyers have formed the Discrimination Expert Group, which collaborates to provide guidance across Ius Laboris and to our clients worldwide. The Expert Group is spearheaded by Jenny Hellberg.

Jenny Hellberg
  •  - Data Privacy
  •  - Diversity & Inclusion
  •  - Employment Rights
  •  - Pay & Benefits
  • Restructuring & Labour Relations
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